Tuesday, March 17, 2009

SXSW - Day 4 and 5

Sorry folks, I am behind. The sun got the best of me today.

Monday night I saw "Sunshine", a great documentary about adoption, being a single mom and how families are not typical these days. Very well done considering the film was about the filmmaker.

Today I saw the documentary called "Over the Hills and Far Away" about a family's journey to "heal" their child of autism. The editing of this doc was exceptional. I'm still amazed at the story and how this husband and wife have dealt with their child's autism. Considering the rise of this condition, I agree that people with autism need to be incorporated into society, should be regarded for their exceptional abilities and that there need to be more resources to help the families and those with autism cope. This family was mainly concerned with their child's tantrums and lack of potty training. After meeting with shaman's in Mongolia their child was able to overcome these problems and even though he is not cured, he functions better in normal society (whatever normal is). Website is : www.horseboymovie.com/ This film will make it to theatres and PBS. Interesting side note: Sacha Baron Cohen's cousin is a leading Autistic researcher in England and was one of the experts in the doc.

Tonight I saw "The Last Beekeeper". This documentary was about the slow decline of honey bees in the US. Quite depressing as these bees play a vital role in the polination of almond trees.

Well tomorrow the music madness begins so I'll be avoiding downtown at all costs.

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