Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Message to Men

To all of the men out there....

Men, do you date a girl with naturally curly hair? Let me give you a few tips. As much as you love to take a shower with your lady right before your sweet love making...that can make for some disastrous hair situations for us. Maybe give us a few minutes to put some product on our hair after we get out of the shower? We might even appreciate a few more minutes for some quick blow drying. Don't be offended if we aren't up for snuggling as we might need some time afterwards to repair our hair. Or if we mumble some lame excuse about having to get up early the next morning therefore we aren't going to stay the night.

So the next time you wake up after a night of some hot sex, you won't wonder why our hair is up in a ponytail will you? That is just a kind gesture on our part to keep you from waking up next to a clone of that crazy hair lady you run into at the grocery store on Saturday mornings.