Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Latest Documentary and the gym

Okay I'm behind on this blog thing. I have really great ideas but bad follow through.

Yesterday I watched "The Real Dirt on Farmer John". This doc was released in 2006 so I'm a bit behind in watching it. After watching it I realized I wanted more information on how they sustain their farm today. The film did a great job at roping me into this farmer's story but I felt it covered too much and maybe should have narrowed it's focus a bit. I definitely recommend it to anyone that is interested in farming and organics.

And now a side note....I went back to the gym yesterday after not working out for a month. Now I haven't been a complete couch potato., I still walk my dog most every day.

My trainer Alex was sort of easy on me but he still pushed me. After my bout with rhabdomylosis last year my muscles shake way more than they used to. It is actually kind of funny. Towards the end of my workout I noticed a very attractive girl in the trainer area. I made some mention to my trainer about her and he said "oh yeah her (very casually like he hadn't ever noticed her)...I think she used to be a gymnast". So after my workout I was telling my trainer a story while I was signing my log. Little miss perfect butt interrupts us "Do you have a pen?". So my trainer hands over his pen. I go back to my story. "Do you have a piece of paper?". So he finds a piece of paper to hand her. And again..."Do you have a baseball?". She then proceeds to completely ignore the fact that I was talking to my trainer (who I pay by the way missy) and says "do you see this knot on my thigh..I just can't work it out". She then proceeds to flex her non-cellulite thigh for him to see said knot. I just walked away. Next time I go to the gym I'm bringing my baseball........

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