Thursday, May 28, 2009

Banana Biscotti and Nosy People

Does this look appetizing? It's a Banana Biscotti from un-named grocery store (you know where). Honestly it looks like a really big cat turd.

Sorry I haven't written in awhile. I've been busy with work and dealing with some health stuff.

When did it become appropriate for friends (not close friends) to ask you if you have had sex with the new guy yet? Really? And how do you answer that question without sounding like you are justifying why you haven't had sex yet? Do I ask them how often they have sex with their husbands? No.... And I won't be posting it on Facebook either. Don't wait for the day when my status says "Hey the new guy and I just did to follow!". I was remiss to even mention him to any of my friends because I knew I would get all the questions. So for lips are sealed.

1 comment:

  1. One of the best responses I have read to questions that your FRIENDS won't ask you is:
    "Well, thank you for asking. Now tell me... why do you need that information?" :)
